Thursday, July 3, 2008

Acne prone adult skin and how widespread is acne

Also, some conditions require the use of anti-inflammatory medication. These can include prednisolone, salazopyrin, cortelone, etc. In general, most (if not all) anti-inflammatory medicine will aggravate infections, making what would be a minor passing infection into a major flare up. Your body frequently deals with minor infections with ease, but, unlike pH balance which simply allows infections to develop, taking anti-inflammatories will both cause and make these infections worsen.
1) Shave right - Always use a natural shaving aid to protect your skin from inflammation and irritation. If you get folliculitis, stop shaving until it heals or use hair removal cream up to twice a week.
Stop right there! Don't move a muscle! Do not proceed any further unless you want to prolong acne or much worse!
tags: natural ways to get rid of acne scars, acne and maintaining hormonal balanc, health experts top adult acne treatments

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